Sun Finder Screenshots

Hackbright Final Project

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A Bay Area inspired web application to simplify search for micro climate weather results by just entering a San Francisco neighborhood.

Developed in 3 weeks at the end of Hackbright Spring 2013.

For additional information on the development, checkout my blogpost at

Technologies Used: Python, Flask, Postgres, SQLAlchemy, Weather Underground API, API, Google Places & Maps APIs, Twitter Bootstrap, Javascript, JQuery, WTForms

Screenshot Walkthrough

The first page of the app starts with just a search bar so you can enter the location you want the weather for.

Index Page

I also added the ability for the user to enter a future date to search on but there is a limit of searching 4 days out.

Future Date Search

While results are being pulled from Weather Underground and, I run an Ajax spinner.

Ajax Spinner

The initial resulting view that is returned is just an image and temperature without all the details you find on some weather sites because I wanted a simple answer.

Simple Weather Result

There is a link that expands with more weather details if the user wants them and it includes a Google Map to show the location of the search results as well as an overlay of surrounding areas.

More Weather Details